Artist Residency Application Form

Dear Artist,

Thank you for your interest in the See You in Kurdistan Art Residency project. We at the See You in Kurdistan project are willing to collaborate with artists who are active in Social Arts and who are ready to participate in forming workshops, artist talks, courses, exhibitions, etc., for/with the locals. We require artists to submit weekly report of their project progress, together with a copy of their final work for the art residency archive and use. Meanwhile, the artist can proceed with their own project, and we will help them in form of providing accommodation and a work space, facilitating their research progress and help with finding translators, fixers, local organizations, and etc.

As we are an independent organization and we are not being funded by any third party, we charge artists the minimum amount in order to be able to continue this project. The fee is 250-300 euros per month for a private room and a shared working space/studio with basic equipment, breakfast and internet. If you’d need translators or other facilities, we would need the details in order to add the extra charge(s).

If you are interested in staying with us, please email us the following to

  1. A curriculum vitae (two pages maximum, Word (.doc) or PDF format)
  2. A letter presenting the residency project and the collaboration project you’d wish to undertake (one page maximum, Word (.doc) or PDF format)
  3. An artist’s statement (one page maximum, Word (.doc) or PDF format)
  4. Visual documentation of your previous works (20 images maximum, jpg format and /or video)
  5. The completed application form. (We kindly ask you to fill out the form honestly. Please note that the information you provide us, will only by used for our record and will not be used by/or sold to third parties.)

Once we will receive the above documents, we will get back to you as soon as possible to proceed with the application.

We appreciate your interest and hope to #SeeYouinKurdistan, soon.

Art Residency Application Form

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